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Homeopathic Medicine for NOSE BLEED

Homeopathy for NOSE BLEED

This article provides information about homeopathy medicines for nosebleed. It also includes homeopathic treatment guidelines, repertorial rubrics, and links to cured cases of nosebleeds. The nose is a part of the body that is very rich in blood vessels and is situated in a vulnerable position on the face. Any trauma to the face can cause bleeding from the nose. The most common cause of a nose bleed is drying of the nasal membranes.

Nose bleed Synonym – EPISTAXIS

The nose is a part of the body that is very rich in blood vessels (vascular) and is situated in a vulnerable position on the face. Any trauma to the face can cause bleeding from the nose. This is common in dry climates, or during the winter months when the air is dry and warm from household heaters.

Nose bleed Cause

  • Trauma to the nose (nose picking, foreign bodies, forceful nose blowing).
  • The most common cause of a nose bleed is drying of the nasal membranes.
  • Tumors, particularly malignant tumor of the nose or sinuses.
  • The incidence of nosebleeds is higher during the colder winter months when upper respiratory infections are more frequent, and the temperature and humidity fluctuate more dramatically.
  • Use of “blood thinning medications” called anti coagulants.
  • Recurrent nosebleeds may be a symptom of an underlying disorder such as high blood pressure.
  • Inflammation of the nose or sinuses and cold may cause a nose bleed.
  • Deviated septum (when the partition between your nose is crooked), foreign objects in the nose, or other nasal obstruction may also cause nosebleeds.
  • Bleeding from one or both nostrils.
  • Frequent swallowing.
  • Sensation of fluid flow in the back of the nose and throat.

Diagnosis of Nose bleed

  • A thorough medical history for previous bleeding, high blood pressure, liver diseases, use of anticoagulants, nasal trauma, family history of bleeding etc. should be taken.
  • Analysis of blood coagulation parameters.
  • Measurement of the blood pressure and X-rays of the skull and sinuses maybe necessary.

First Aid in Nose Bleeds – How to stop Nose Bleed

Calm the patient if necessary with medication. The patient should sit with the upper part of the body tilted forward and the mouth open so that they can spit out the blood instead of swallowing. Check to see if there is an object inside the victim’s nose and remove it if necessary.

Local procedure

Pinch all the soft parts of the nose together between the thumb and index finger. Hold the nose for at least 5 minutes (timed by the clock). Repeat as necessary until the nose has stopped bleeding. Apply ice (crushed in a plastic bag or washcloth) to nose and cheeks. For dryness of the nose ointments can be applied. Nasal packs are used when conservative methods fail. Cauterization (the application of a heated instrument or caustic chemical to tissue to stop bleeding) may be required if bleeding persists or recurs.

Homoeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies for Nose bleed

Aconitum napellus

Approach to nosebleed heralded by marked anxiety and restlessness, with fullness of head, in young and plethoric persons.

Agaricus muscarius

Epistaxis in old people, of a passive character; in blowing the nose blood comes out of it, early in the morning, immediately after rising; this is followed by violent epistaxis; from overwork at desk; profuse foetid discharge from nose.

Aloe socotrina

Nosebleed in bed after waking up; redness of nose in open cold air.

Ambra grisea

Copious nosebleed early in the morning; dried blood gathers in the nose; lean, delicate, sickly-looking people; nosebleed with the menses.

Ammonium carbonicum

Epistaxis every morning on washing face, after dinner, after repeated sneezing, especially if after the flow has ceased a bloody mucus is often blown from the nose; epistaxis with dry coryza, especially at night, without the slightest air passing through; when stooping blood rushes to tip of nose. Hands look blue after washing in cold water and veins distended.

Antimonium crudum

Nosebleed with vertigo, after headache, following rush of blood to head.

Antimonium sulphuratum auratum

Nosebleed on washing.

Antimonium tartaricum

Uncontrollable epistaxis, with spongy gums, as in scurvy; nosebleed, followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.

Argentum metallicum

Violent bleeding when blowing the nose, with tickling, crawling sensation in nose, or after dinner.

Arnica montana

Epistaxis, preceded by tingling; copious after every exertion, from mechanical causes; after washing face, during whooping-cough, typhus, etc.; nosebleed in growing children; discharge of several drops of thin blood from nose on first blowing it in the morning; blood bright-red, mixed with clots and leaving a bruised sensation behind.

Arsenicum album

Nosebleed after a fit of passion; passive haemorrhage, accompanied by vomiting and great distress and restlessness.

Baptisia tinctoria

Epistaxis or oozing of dark blood from nose during typhoid (Apis).

Baryta carbonica

Epistaxis before catamenia; frequent nosebleed, especially with florid, scrofulous persons.


Nosebleed of little children at night, with congestion to head; blood flows freely, even from both nostrils, drop by drop; nosebleed when in bed or on waking in the morning.

Borax veneta

Bleeding of nose in the morning and pulsating headache in the evening; headache aggr. after nosebleed.

Bovista lycoperdon

Nosebleed during morning sleep, with vertigo; every time he blows nose drops of blood issue from it, or when sneezing.


Nosebleed with relief of chest and eye symptoms; the nose is sore and the wings of the nose swollen; a scurf forms in it, with pain and bleeding when wiping it.

Bryonia alba

Vicarious menstruation; after being overheated or in anaemia; nosebleed in the morning after rising, less often during day, but sometimes during sleep, or after being under the rays of a hot sun; blood florid; discharge of blood from ears.

Bufo rana

Nosebleed almost produces faintness, but relieves headache.

Cactus grandiflorus

Exhausting nosebleed from cardiac affections, as hypertrophy.

Calcarea carbonica

Frequent and profuse nosebleed, almost to faintness, more from right nostril, with obstructed nose, sometimes from disturbed menstruation, especially in the morning. Scrofulous children, bleeding frequently and without any apparent cause.

Camphora officinalis

Septic nosebleed, face pale, sunken, blood dark and fluid, may flow persistently for hours or days.

Cantharis vesicatoria

Epistaxis only in the morning and at no other time

Capsicum annuum

Nosebleed in the morning in bed, bloody mucous discharge from nose when coughing.

Carbo animalis

Nosebleed every morning, preceded by headache and vertigo.

Carbo vegetabilis

Frequent and continued nosebleed, especially in the morning and forenoon, or when pressing at a stool, great paleness of face during and after bleeding; fainting sometimes before; blood thin and black, aggr. at night, in old and debilitated persons, excited by motions or jarring, aggr. after debauch (Nux v.); often followed by a pain over chest.

China officinalis

Habitual nosebleed, especially in the morning from 6 to 7, and often renewed; repeated losses of blood cause patient to feel weak and anaemic (Fer.), with humming in ears, pale face and fainting spells (Calc. carb.).

Cina maritima

Nosebleed in children suffering from helminthiasis (Merc., Spig.); constant desire to rub, pick or bore into the nose, ill-humor, etc.

Coffea cruda

Nosebleed with heavy head and ill-humor.

Cocculus indicus

During pregnancy with haemorrhoidal complications.

Conium maculatum

Nosebleed, with suppressed menses, from taking cold; frequent ebullition of blood, from slightest cause, after sneezing; in spring.

Copaiva officinalis

Epistaxis after wounds; severe spontaneous nosebleed of young boys.

Crocus sativus

Discharge from one nostril of very tenacious, thick, stringy black blood, with cold sweat in large drops on forehead; suits women who menstruate long and profusely and are subject to fainting at the approach of menses; epistaxis in overgrown, delicate children; periodicity and chronicity; yellowish, sallow color of face; sour taste in mouth.

Crotalus horridus

Epistaxis at onset or during course of zymotic or septic diseases (Bapt.) or in broken-down constitutions with depraved state of blood, which is thin, dark and does not coagulate; flushes of face, vertigo, fainting; especially during diphtheria (Lach., Nitr. ac., Chin.).


Hot, bright-red blood, with pressure above nose, aggr. after getting wet; pressure continues after bleeding stopped.

Elaps corallinus

Nose bleeds when violently blown or after a blow; sudden, profuse, while walking.

Erigeron canadense

Bright-red blood, with rush of blood to head, red face and fever.

Ferrum metallicum

Profuse and repeated bleeding, nostrils continually full of clotted blood, especially in anaemic persons, subject to ebullitions, with an ashy pale face, flushing easily, who are always cold, even in bed; emaciated and weak from recurrent epistaxis (Chin.); epistaxis in children with frequent changes in color of face; blood light or lumpy, coagulates easily (Merc., Puls.). Fer. picr. will often relieve, where the metal fails.


Epistaxis from sun-heat, face flushed, hot and red; head feels full, large and swollen, congested; amel. in open air and during sleep.


When preceded by rush of blood to head and heat of face, frequently repeated, in the evening, at night or in the morning, with running coryza, especially in women whose menses are too scanty and too pale, or too late; bloody mucous discharge from nose.

Hamamelis virginiana

Flow passive, non-coagulable, with feeling of tightness at the bridge of the nose; profuse, idiopathic or vicarious, especially in young, anaemic girls or when there is haemoptysis at the same time. Mind calm, fullness of head.

Hydrastis canadensis

Nosebleed from left nostril, with burning rawness, followed by itching.

Indigo tinctoria

Nosebleed, with vanishing of sight; right nostril bleeds easily, with constricted sensation in cardiac region and palpitation; great irritation and tickling in the root of nose, with dry cough.


Profuse epistaxis of bright-red blood, most harassing itching in nostrils; preceded by nausea; in continuous or intermittent fevers, during whooping-cough, face pale, bloated, with blue margins around eyes.

Kalium bichromicum

Nosebleed with dry coryza, preceded by pressure and tightness at the root of nose; blood thick and of a dark-red color; persistent tickling high up in nostril.

Kalium carbonicum

Periodical nosebleed, recurring every morning at 9 or when washing face (Amm. carb.); after great loss of blood (Chin.).

Kalium nitricum

Nosebleed without relief to headache; clotted blood or some balls of blood come from nose when blowing it.


Epistaxis of thin, bright-red blood from both nostrils in the morning, or of thick black blood with foul odor from nose.

Lachesis mutus

Nosebleed, bright-red or dark, persistent, with headache; before menses and at climaxis; from blowing nose, in diphtheria; aggr. mornings.

Lachnanthes tinctoria

Profuse haemorrhage from nose, blood pale; head feels enlarged as if split open with a wedge from outside inward; body icy-cold, cannot get warm even under a feather-bed; head burns like fire, with much thirst; skin moist and sticky.

Ledum palustre

Long-lasting nosebleed, afterwards sore in upper part of nose, with violent burning; blood pale; distention of veins in gouty patients; valvular affections of heart.

Lycopodium clavatum

Profuse nosebleed, followed by frequent blowing of blood from nose; discharge of clotted blood from nose.

Magnesium carbonicum

Bleeding from right nostril in the morning, nose swollen evenings; aggr. from 3 to 5 A. M., with violent sneezing and tickling in right nostril.

Melilotus officinalis

Profuse nosebleed from congestion of blood to head, with feeling as if all blood was there, rapid pulse, high fever, violent throbbing of carotids, red face; oppressed for breath and seemed to be smothered up.

Mercurius solubilis

Bleeding preceded by pressure around the head, as from a band; nosebleed from coughing and during sleep; blood hangs down like black icicles after coagulating in nose (Croc., Kali bi.); glandular swellings, sore mouth, etc.; helminthiasis.


Bleeding from right nostril in the evening before going to sleep; blood bright-red; trickling of blood from right nostril.


Excessive nosebleed in congestions to chest and head; piercing pains from eyes to root of nose; blood bright-red, arterial, flowing without apparent cause.


Nosebleed with paleness of face and fainting, one cheek hot without redness, the other red without heat.

Natrium muriaticum

Nosebleed when stooping or when coughing at night; very frequent and blowing much clotted blood from the nose.

Natrium sulphuricum

Nosebleed during menses stops and returns often, especially early in the morning; nosebleed before menses, bright-red, sometimes also while sitting, even at night in bed.

Nitricum acidum

Exhausting epistaxis of venous blood; gums swollen and dark red, easily bleeding, aggr. by water and washing, from weeping, at night and in the morning; stitches, as from a splinter in the nose, on touch; acrid watery discharge from nose.

Kalium nitricum

Nosebleed, blood acrid, like vinegar; tip of nose inflamed, sore.

Nux moschata

Nosebleed, blood dark, black; over sensitiveness of smell.

Nux vomica

Epistaxis from suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, aggr. mornings, preceded or accompanied by frontal headache, red cheeks and cephalic congestion; during sleep; blood usually dark.


Nosebleed while straining at stool or early in the morning in tall, slim girls at the age of puberty; severe epistaxis during diphtheria, following detachment of the membrane from the nose; profuse bleeding from nose, often accompanied by profuse sweat; bloody streaks in the nasal mucus.

Pulsatilla pratensis

Nosebleed from suppressed menses, blood partly fluid and partly clotted, intermitting in intensity, aggr. by going into a warm room or in a recumbent position. Nosebleed with dry coryza in anaemic women whose courses are scanty, late or suppressed.

Rhus toxicodendron

Frequent nosebleed, almost only when stooping, at stool or from exertion; at night or in the morning; blood coagulates quickly, of a bright color.

Sarsaparilla officinalis

Epistaxis with feeling as if small bubbles were bursting in the nose; bleeding from each nostril, when blowing nose, light-colored blood.

Secale cornutum

Dark, thin blood flows steadily with great prostration and thready pulse due to previous bleeding; in old people or drunkards or in young feeble women.

Sepia officinalis

Epistaxis during pregnancy or childbed, or in women suffering from uterine disorders in whom the menses were absent for some time, especially if brought about by a fall or blow on the nose (Arn., Cic.), and frequently recurring at the least touch of the nose; bright-red flow suddenly appearing and as suddenly disappearing, in the morning and also several times during the day.

Silicea terra

Profuse epistaxis; drops of blood fall from the nose at times, on stooping; by picking inside of nose; at dinner; profuse, dark-red flow from right nostril with relief of headache.

Spigelia anthelmia

Violent nosebleed with endocarditis (Cact.); sneezing, with discharge of bloody mucus in the morning after walking.


Black haemorrhage from nose, followed by warm sweat and general relief; nosebleed, dark, in lumps; in whooping-cough.


Nosebleed at 3 P. M. (Bry., 3 A. M.), with vertigo and great soreness of nose to touch; nosebleed just before and after menses; clotted blood is always discharged on blowing nose. Great disposition to epistaxis.

Sulphuricum acidum

Oozing of dark, thin blood from nose (Crotal.), evenings, aggr. from smelling coffee, while sitting or standing; old people; septic states; dark-brown froth issuing from nostrils.

Tarentula hispanica

Profuse epistaxis, blood black, each drop coagulating and sinking at once like a bullet, to the bottom of the vessel and forming a large black clot; while washing face drops of blood fall from left nostril.

Veratrum album

Nosebleed before menses (Thea); during sleep at night; face pale, body cold, pulse slow, intermittent.

Vinca minor

Frequent nosebleed, distressing dryness and heat of the nose, extending into the frontal sinuses.

Zincum metallicum

Nosebleed for a short time on blowing nose, after dinner, followed by stupefaction of forehead, as from apoplexy, with swimming of objects before eyes; frequent blowing of blood from nose.

From the Repertory:

Blood-black and thick: Croc., Merc., Nux, Puls.; black and thin: Crotal., Ham., Nitr. ac., Sec., Sulph. ac.; tenacious: Croc., Merc., Sec., Veratr.; pale: Bar., Carb. an., Crotal., Dig., Dulc., Kreos., Hyosc., Led., Sabad.; clotted: Arn., Bell., Cham., Croc., Fer., Ipec., Merc., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Puls., Rhus, Stram.; dark and non-coagulable: Ham., Lach.; dark and coagulating: Croc., Merc., Puls., Nux v.

Bleeding-mornings: Agn. cas., Amb., Amm. carb., Bell., Berb., Bor., Bov., Bry., Calc., Canth., Caps., Carb. v., Chin., Colch., Dros., Graph., Hep., Kali carb., Kreos., Lach., Magn., Natr., Nitr. ac., Nux v., Phos., Rhus, Sep., Stann., Sulph., Thuj.; afternoon: Carb. an., Lyc., Natr. sulph., Nitr., Sulph.; evening: Ant. crud., Bor., Coff., Colch., Dros., Fer., Graph., Lach., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Sulph. ac., Sulph.; night: Bell., Calc., Carb. v., Graph., Magn. mur., Natr. m., Natr. sulph., Rhus, Veratr.; while sleeping: Bry., Merc., Natr. sulph., Nitr. ac., Puls., Sulph., Veratr.; when washing face: Amm. carb., Arn., Kali carb.; after dinner: Amm. carb., Arg. nit.

Nosebleed-vicarious: Bry., Ham., Lach., Puls.;
before menses: Lach.; menses too scanty: Puls., Sec., Sep.; too profuse: Acon., Calc., Croc., Sabad.;
amenorrhoea: Bry., Ham., Lach., Phos., Puls., Sep.;
during pregnancy: Cocc., Sep.;
climaxis: Bell., Bry., Ham., Lach., Nux v., Puls., Sep., Sulph. ac., Sulph.;
in diphtheria: Ars., Carb. v., Chin., Lach., Merc. cyan., Nitr. ac., Phos.;
in typhoids: Bry., Crot., Lach., Phos. ac. (no relief), Rhus;
from anaemia: Carb. v., Chin., Cin., Fer., Sec.;
from hyperaemia: Acon., Alum., Bell., Bufo, Cham., Croc., Graph., Melilotus, Rhus;
from worms: Cin., Merc., Spig., Tereb.


  • Avoid blowing of the nose or putting anything into it. If one feels like sneezing, keep the mouth opened so that the air will escape out the mouth and not through the nose.
  • Do not strain during bowel movements.
  • Try to keep the head higher than the level of the heart.
  • Do not strain or bend down to lift anything heavy.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Stay on a soft cool diet. No hot liquids for at least 24 hours. Do not take any medications which will “thin the blood” like aspirin.
  • Keep the lining of the nose moist: Gently apply a light coating of petroleum jelly (brand name: Vaseline) inside the nose with a cotton swab twice a day.
  • Counteract the drying effects of indoor heated air by using a humidifier at night in the bedroom.
  • Avoid picking the nose.

About the author

Rajneesh Kumar Sharma

Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma BHMS, MD (Homoeopathy), hMD (UK), DI Hom (London), DLit (UK), PhD, Consultant Homoeopathic Physician (30 years’ experience, treating patients from more than 40 countries). International Vice President- Homoeopathy World Community, Executive/Privileged Member- Delhi Homoeopathic Medical Association, Life Member- Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Life Member- Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians, Life Member- Indian Medico-legal and Ethics Association, author of several research papers, articles, case presentations, and books. faculty to several National and International Conferences, recipient of many International and National Awards, Chief Managing Director- Homoeo Cure & Research Institute, Sparsh Multispecialty Hospital and Vaibhav Homoeopathic Pharma.


  • My son is 11 year old and has frequent episodes of bloody nose especially in the winters early morning around 4:30 am. Sometimes in the summer also. Mostly it is from both the nostrils. I would really appreciate if you could suggest which homeopathic medication should I try for him. Thanks

  • Thank you so much for this detailed descriptions for nose bleeds. My 7 year old son has woken with a nose bleed the last few mornings and I have arnica a few times throughout the day then this morning gave phosphorous but after reading I think maybe bryonia is more suitable as he is very cranky at times and cross. Thanks

  • My child is 7 yrs old and is having a problem of frequent nose bleeding from left nose only. Prior to nose bleeding he is having tickling in the nose. This bleeding has been frequent since last 2 weeks as he has nose bleeding 4 times, at present he is not suffering from any cough and cold. No fixed time for nose bleeding, but generally it occur in the evening at about 7 to 9 pm.

  • I have nose bleed problem ever since 2005. It occurs from my left nostril any time of the day or night, any season, & any place . It isn’t regular or at the same time. It’s bright red & profuse, but strangely, I don’t feel dizzy, weak or tired. My blood count is quite normal & I experience no headache, or any other symptoms. Lately, especially when in bed, I feel blood running in the back of my nose & throat & then I spit blood while in the nose, blood might or might not be there. I am 72 & I have a tendency of low blood pressure, borderline cholesterol but nothing else. I’d had cauterization 7 times, but they have not helped. I have a problem of postnasal dripping for a long time, a sinus surgery through my mouth on the left side in 1983 & a cryosurgery in my nose in 1992. Is there any homeopathic medicine for that? ENT doctors always say it is the artery, but now I doubt it.

  • I’ll try arnica since I have tablets.
    Learned a lot from this page. I was
    Getting a little bit worried till
    I applied an ice pack.

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